Reversed mortgage calculation

The calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide financial advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes.

Benefits of buying in the Netherlands

Purchasing a home in the Netherlands can be more economical in the long run, enabling you to build equity and typically resulting in lower monthly expenses than renting.

Benefits of renting

Renting a home in the Netherlands provides excellent flexibility, making it easy to relocate if your situation changes. Additionally, you won't be responsible for maintenance costs, and renting is a convenient short-term option if you're not ready for a long-term commitment.

Do you want to buy a property in the Netherlands?

Schedule a complimentary introductory call with our mortgage specialists. We specialize in mortgages for expats and are dedicated to navigating you through the home-buying process.

  • Access to a trusted network.

  • Highly competitive rates and flexible terms.

  • Guidance through the entire mortgage process.

  • English translations of bank documents are shared.

  • 100% Independent Advice
Meet the team
Sezer Yilmaz
Tomislav Magas
Financial Specialist
Egle Kemezyte
Growth Marketer
Robin Uijtdehaage
Financial Specialist